Monday 11 March 2013

till we meet again, ortho....


tak sangka dah abis posting ortho for 2 months, sekejap sangat rasenyer... ortho saaaaangat best!!! and of course the lectures too...hehe..awesome.... i used this 2 months time given to study what i suppose to study in ortho because we didn't have this rotation anymore in final year, unless we're lucky then,. jumpe nanti pro exam.....masa mula2 start posting dulu susahnya nak wat examination tentang knee, hip, spine, peripheral nerve and so on... but, everything went well sebab ramai kawan kawan yg bantu, we learnt together..

these cute gurls are my ortho groupmates...they are daebakk!!! hehe
harap harap result exam short case dan OSCE hari tu ok... need to improve and practice more because practice  make perfect.... Allah lihat pada usaha kita.. setiap keputusanNya kita harus terima walaupun kita rasa kita dah buat yang terbaik, tapi Allah tahu apa yang lebih baik untuk kita...

right now, i'm starting primary care medicine (PCM) posting for 2 months also whereby we'll be posted in health clinics, being involved in community for sure.. ingat pesan Dr Ng tadi, belajar bukan setakat untuk lulus exam but it is a matter on how you apply the knowledge.. 

p/s: Niat belajar kerana Allah........